Popular trip up to a small settlement of cabins and a lake, which is also the start of several longer trips.
Google maps road directions: here
Park by the farm on the old road in Breivika. Follow the tractor road as far as this goes, and then the path that winds steeply up the slope on the right handside of the river.
0 personer har vurdert denne turen
1.9 km length
1 h road
Grade: Medium
543 m climb
570 m Height
27 m lowest point
May - October
Marked path
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RAUMA - Møre og Romsdal
Decimal degrees
62.585 – 7.74208
Park by the farm on the old road in Breivika. Follow the tractor road as far as this goes, and then the path that winds steeply up the slope on the right handside of the river.